My name is Kelia. I am 28 years old who always had a hunger to have a business of my own and what a perfect way to do just that with something that has always been very present within me/my style as always been a huge jewellery lover.
I started piecing this business idea together back in November 2023 after trying two businesses back to back and not succeeding and not being motivated and that is when I had to stop thinking outside the box and look no further and all i had to do was literally take a look at rings a had on that day and the rest its history ...
I always struggled to find jewellery that wouldn't turn my finger green so I decided to create my own good quality and affordable jewellery brand as I am a big apologist that good quality and affordable jewellery should be for everyone. After extensive research I found PVD jewellery which is 10X more durable which is a vacuum coating process where a layer of 18k gold is placed on top of stainless steel and for that I hope this information will make you shop with us with complete confidence.
Thank you :)
"I carry god so I fear nothing"